Living in Branson for over 28 years has taught me that, with a “map, a “little planning and, on occasion, patience, it’s very easy to navigate around Branson to get to its shows, attractions, lodging, shopping, activities or just about anywhere else you would want to go. Here’s three ideas to consider:
1. Plan With a “Map:” In today’s world of GPS and Google Directions that might seem like strange advice, but, especially if you have never been to Branson before, whether you do so on line or by looking at a printed map, plan your route to your initial Branson destination point in advance using a map. There are all sorts of maps available, but make sure you are looking at one that has Branson’s three Alternate Colored Routes on it which some online map services do not show. We are kind of partial to our Branson Tourism Center on line map which can be viewed on line or downloaded and printed in PDF format, but any will do as long as you use it. Do the same thing as you plan each day, in terms of where you want to go in Branson, incorporate suggestions #2 and #3 and you will be able to safely and efficiently get to wherever you want to go in Branson.
2. Use Branson’s Alternate Colored Route System: Branson’s system of three alternate colored routes makes it easier to efficiently get where you want to go and provides an alternate route to Highway 76. There are three routes; the “Blue,” “Red” and “Yellow,” all of which are overlaid on existing highways and roads, generally run parallel to Highway 76 and are basically east/west routes. A little time spent familiarizing yourself with these colored routes and the “north-south” connector roads will help you get just about anywhere with a minimum of inconvenience and, on most days, involvement with traffic congestion.
3. Travel on Highway 76 Judiciously: Hey, come on, it’s the “Branson Strip,” and sure you are going to want to see it and will be traveling on it, but particularly during high traffic times, use a map to plan to use an Alternate Colored Route and their north south connectors whenever possible. Two times that you can almost bet Highway 76 will be jammed is in the evening hours between about 5:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. when people are trying to eat and get to shows and on Sunday between about 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. when people are trying to exit Branson.
When exiting Branson you can plan to avoid traffic by getting over to the “Red Route,” as close to its western junction with Highway 76 as possible, and taking it east to its intersection with Highway 65 from which you can exit north or south. This is also an excellent alternate to Highway 76 for getting to and from Branson Landing; just continue east on the Red Route past the Highway 65 junction to the Roundabout and go into the Landing. If traffic is really bad, and this will generally be when leaving Branson, another alternative is to take Highway 165 east, over Table Rock Dam, to its junction with Highway 65 in Hollister and go north or south from there. Yes, it’s longer, but in some situations it can save you a lot of time and frustration.
If you have any questions about directions or need information or tickets for any of Branson’s shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements please contact the Branson Tourism Center, one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services, by calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550.