This article refers to Christmas past. For Christmas present, please visit our current page for Christmas in Branson.
Branson has a large number of fabulous Christmas shows performed by some of the best entertainers anywhere. We thought it would be interesting to ask those performing or involved with promoting some of the shows what their favorite part of this year’s Christmas show was.
The following list contains their response, a link to more information and the last date they will be performing their 2014 Christmas show:
The Haygoods –Tim Haygood said that one of his favorite parts of the show is when Dominic sings “Mary Did You Know.” It’s a special arrangement that he has been doing for over 15 years and the audiences love it. Chris Canote, the videographer for the Branson Tourism Center saw the show and just loved Catherine Haygood’s featured performance of “Magic Christmas,” a medley of traditional Christmas music, on the harp. (Dec. 29*) The Haygoods will be performing the final performance of their 2014 regular show on Jan. 3. They will begin their 2015 performances on February 14.
Presleys Country Jubilee – Steve Presley said that he had two favorite numbers, one in the first half where the gospel quartet, sings “Go Where I Send Thee” and the second during the Christmas portion of the show where Chuck Crain and Ambrus Presley sing “Mary Did You Know.” I have had the pleasure of hearing them sing that in past Christmas shows, it is simply beautiful. (Dec. 13)
Legends in Concert – Jeannie Horton, General Manager for “The Legends in Concert,”said that her favorite part of their Christmas show is that during each of “guest stars” sets one of their numbers is one of their top Christmas hits. Anyone want guess what “Elvis” will be singing? She said the show’s Christmas finale, where they all join together, is really something special. They will be performing the Christmas show through Dec. 23 and their regular show from Dec. 26, 2014 through Jan. 3, 2015*.

Christmas Wonderland – “Christmas Wonderland,†one of Branson’s largest holiday productions is just filled with Christmas from the opening curtain. Chris Canote, the videographer for the Branson Tourism Center saw the show recently and said his favorite number in the show was the performance of Alexander James singing “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” accompanied by a poignant video of Veterans and their families in the background. He said there wasn’t a dry eye in the house including his.
Clay Cooper Country Express – Tina Cooper, Clay’s wife, a dancer in the show and its choreographer said that one of her favorite parts of their Christmas show is when the kids come out on stage with their parents during specific segments of the show. The “Rudolph” segment is one example where the other “reindeer” join him on stage. She said that she loves that because it reminds her of the “Reason for the season.” She loves the gospel segment and her favorite numbers in the show are “O Holy Night” sung by R.P. Harrell, who also plays piano and is the shows Musical Producer and “Little Toy Trains” performed by Clay, Barry Bales and John Lance because it reminds her of kids and what they think of at Christmas time. (Dec. 29*)
The Duttons – Judith Dutton said that she enjoys the “Magic and wonder” of the show from the moment the curtain opens until it closes as they entertain their audiences with “mesmerizing melodies of the holidays highlighted by state of the art lights and sounds and stunning costuming. Her favorite number in the show is when they perform “their heart touching Nativity Scene accompanied by the strains of “What Child is This?” (Dec. 10)

Shoji Tabuchi Show – Shoji said that one of his favorite parts of his Christmas show is the hand bell choir, composed of the entertainers in the show, playing “Angels We Have Heard On High.” Having just seen the show recently I would not disagree with him, but his “three rhythm” performance of “Joy To The World” truly was a “joy” to hear and I just loved the “Toy Soldiers” performance. Particularly if you have children attending the show with you, you will want to be in your seat when the curtain rises. (Dec. 10)
George Dyer Show – George Dyer said that his personal favorite part of their Christmas Show is when his daughter Kendra and he sing a duet blending “Breath of Heaven” and “Mary Did You Know” together. As George was mentioning that to me I remembered how beautiful and unique I thought it was when I first heard them do it a couple of years ago. Kendra starts out singing “Breath of Heaven” then George comes in “With Mary Did You Know” and they work through the two songs like that until George melds in with Kendra finishing the number with both of them singing “Breath of Heaven.” (Dec. 6)
Hamner’s Unbelievable Variety – Denise Hamner said that one of her favorite parts of the Christmas show is the “shadow set” accompanying Dave’s story of a special Christmas and the “winged Christmas Tree.” I saw the show recently and would add that Jeff Brandt’s impersonation of Sammy Davis Jr. singing the “Candy Man Can,” accompanied by the beautiful dancing of two young talented dancers, Miss Heard and Miss Tinoco, was also special. (Dec.31*)
I would point out that these are just a few of Branson’s great shows and one or two moments that were someone’s favorites chosen from a show filled with great entertainment and the Christmas spirit. One thing is for sure, whether it’s one of these moments or others, it is almost a virtual certainty that you will not only be entertained, but will leave the theatre with a special Christmas memory.
*Clay Cooper and the Haygoods will combine for the Clay-Goods Jambor-Eve on New Year’s Eve. Others with this symbol will be having special New Year’s Eve shows.