Jackie Brown, of Grand Country Music Hall’s “Grand Jubilee” show, has submitted a fantastic twist on your traditional lasagna. Actually, two twists for this writer. One is that the lasagna has chicken for it’s meat choice. I had never had a chicken lasagna before, and to be honest I wasn’t quite sure how I would feel about it’s taste (I love sausage and beef!). But I was pleasantly surprised. The flavor of the chicken with the tomato sauce just popped with tangy delight. The second twist on this popular dish was the way Jackie asked us to prepare the traditional dish. I was used to “layering” the ingredients, but Jackie’s way was to roll-up the ingredients, almost into individual servings. Brilliant! Why didn’t I ever think of this before?
Well, the short story is rush to make this dish! Don’t wait! Make it tonight. You and your family will simply love it!
If Skim Ricotta Cheese is difficult to find, low-fat, small curd cottage cheese will work as a substitute.